

Birches Written By: Chris Mace Birches, Howland, Maine Robert Frost’s “Birches” has been a long time favorite of mine, probably because it conjures up some special childhood memories of swinging on birches. “So was I once myself a swinger of birches/ And so I dream of...
A Real Fish Story

A Real Fish Story

A Real Fish Story Matthew 17:24-27 24 When they came to Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma tax went up to Peter and said, “Does your teacher not pay the tax?” 25 He said, “Yes.” And when he came into the house, Jesus spoke to him first, saying, “What do you...
Waiting and Hoping?

Waiting and Hoping?

Waiting and Hoping? Written By: Chris Mace Waiting for Spring, Hancock, Maine Many inanimate objects have emotional value, but they do not emote. However, if we allow our imaginations to anthropomorphize this little dinghy, we might wonder if it will be disappointed...