The Earth Speaks?

The Earth Speaks?

“…ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? ( Job...
When the Mists have Rolled Away

When the Mists have Rolled Away

Faith is like lobster fishing before GPS technology. Fishermen used compasses, running times, buoy colors, fog horns, visible land marks, and knowledge of the fishing grounds to find their lobster pots. With that knowledge, they had confidence they would locate their...
Preparing for Planting Now?

Preparing for Planting Now?

Although it is still winter here in Maine, gardeners are looking at seed catalogues, and farmers are thinking ahead to spring planting and dreaming about the fruits of their labor. Some Aroostook farmer sowed (and most importantly painstakingly cultivated) this...
In the Dark?

In the Dark?

Our country has been widely blessed with the benefits of electricity, batteries, and generators. During a recent, prolonged power outage here in Maine, the miracle that light bulbs can disperse darkness became very relevant. Even so, there are times if one wishes to...
Perfect Peace

Perfect Peace

Many of us have a favorite place conducive for relaxing, thinking, or meditating. Some of us may use mantras or mindfulness or some other form of meditation to lower stress levels, to relieve anxiety, and to achieve inner calmness. The prophet Isaiah knew the secret...