COVID Update
Brothers and sisters
At our elders meeting tonight we came to the difficult but we believe necessary decision to suspend in person worship at UBC for the foreseeable future. Many factors played into our consideration, including the trajectory of covid cases in our area, the number of “close contacts” already experienced in our fellowship, the composition of our congregation with many in the “vulnerable” category, the recent associations of houses of worship with the spread of the coronavirus, the imperative to love our neighbors, the need to maintain a positive witness, the likelihood that if numbers of cases continue to increase, a stricter limit on in-person gatherings will be imposed… again…
And yet there is a more important bottom line for tonight’s decision, and that is our responsibility to guard the flock. We have concluded that the best way to do this, for the near future at least, is to postpone our weekly Sunday gatherings.
Those of you who have been with us through this ordeal starting last March know that as elders we have consistently taken a conservative approach in dealing with this pandemic. You are also aware that while we have been sensitive to follow the government’s mandates, we do not take our cues from the government. That is because the government is not responsible to you like we are. It will not give an account for your souls, as we will. And I’m guessing, the government doesn’t think as much of you as we do 😊. Because we love you, and want to love you for the long haul, we believe we are acting wisely, proactively and in the ultimate best interest of all—even as we grieve that it has come to this.
Beginning this Sunday, November 15th, we will move to on-line worship.
We will begin streaming at 11:00, and you can watch the livestream via our website, The livestream is no substitute for in person worship, and yet it is the best we can do in the moment. It is at least one way for us to join our hearts in prayer, to hear the same teaching and to grow in the same direction. I hope you will join us this Sunday.
This Sunday also happens to be our designated collection day for Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes. The church will be open from 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. to receive your boxes. You may drop them off at the front door or the side door off the Pine Street parking lot. Mike and I will be here to receive them.
Please be praying for the preservation of the Church and the unity of our UBC fellowship, as we face yet another pandemic challenge.
Pray for us, we’re praying for you
P.S. Please share this information with anyone you know who worships with us, and who might not have e-mail or be on our mailing list.