COVID Update
To the members and friends of UBC
Below is a summary changes we are making in response to the recent loosening of mask and social distancing requirements:
Beginning Sunday, May 30th, we will hold worship services at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
We will continue to live-stream our 8:30 worship service for a while longer, for those who cannot attend in person and/or who do not feel comfortable returning to worship just yet.
Members, friends and guests may attend whichever service they prefer on any given Sunday and may sit wherever and with whomever they choose.
We will resume singing in all services.
Masks are no longer required for those who are fully vaccinated and are recommended per the CDC for adults who are not and for children ages 2-12 who cannot be. We trust you to respond to recommendations as you see fit.
Anyone who feels more comfortable continuing to wear a mask in the worship setting is encouraged to do so.
All the usual entrances, exits and restrooms will be available for use.
Childcare will be provided at both worship services.
Childcare at the 8:30 service will be provided in the Richardson Room (upstairs Nursery).
Childcare at the 11:00 service will be provided in the Richardson Rom for children 0-3 and the McEldowney Room (lower level) for children 4-6.
We will continue with pre-service “check-in” at both worship times.
To minimize contact, only childcare staff will be allowed in the childcare spaces.
Please send only the essentials into the childcare space with your child. Diaper bags can be hung on the hooks outside the Richardson Room.
Children 7 and up should accompany their parents in worship. We will continue to have individual worship kits available in the vestibule.
*SOMETHING NEW* We will conclude the 11:00 worship service with a time of singing. Childcare staff members will bring the children into the sanctuary to join their parents for worship during this time.
As has been the case throughout this pandemic, if you are not feeling well, if you are displaying any of the symptoms of COVID or suspect you may have been exposed to someone with Covid-19, please stay home until you are feeling better or convinced that you are not at risk to others.
Thank you for the patience and maturity you have displayed throughout this ordeal!