UBC JobBoard


Job Description: Eight week rotation, starting 11/6 and ending 1/1/23. Leads in the teaching of each week's Sunday school lesson from provided curriculum. Oversees transitions at start and finish of Sunday school session. Takes attendance. Supervises students and assistants/helpers.

Ministry Leader: Justin Arseneau

Job Description: Use your musical talent to lead our congregation in worship as part of the UBC Praise Team. If you play an instrument and would like to be part of the Praise Band or have a gift for singing you would like to put to use as part of the Team, please apply. The eventual time commitment to a Praise Team Member will include Sunday morning rehearsal and Sunday morning worship.

Ministry Leader: Scott Conners

Job Description: 1. Sign up in Welcome Center to bring baked goods/snacks for Sunday Fellowship (Home made or bought cookies, bars, donuts, etc.)
2. Help stock our freezer with snacks to have on hand, by bringing them in anytime.

Ministry Leader: Suzanne Mace

Job Description: As a member of the UBC Missions Team, maintain monthly contact with our Wycliffe Associates missionaries Mark and Becky Hancock and our UMO College Outreach missionary, Travis Pelletier. The missionary liaison will communicate at least once a month with these specific missionaries to learn what they are doing, to understand what their needs might be, how we can be praying for them, etc. This information will then be shared with the Missions Team at the monthly meeting.

Ministry Leader: Donna Theall

Job Description: This is a weekly commitment to teach the teens (8th-12th grade) of UBC from a supplied curriculum.

Ministry Leader: Justin Arseneau

Job Description: Needed for all Sunday School classes, the Teacher's Helper will assist with class management, be familiar with the weekly lesson and be ready to teach weekly lessons if or as needed. This commitment is for 8 weeks.

Ministry Leader: Justin Arseneau

Job Description: Caring for children under 3 while their parents attend or teach a Sunday School Class

Ministry Leader: Liz Conners

Job Description: Assist in the renovation of the Biblical Counseling Center at 42 Pine Street

Ministry Leader: Scott Conners

Job Description: Be the first to welcome members and visitors to worship on Sunday morning!

Ministry Leader: Ron & Marsha Boyd

Job Description: Monitor UBC’s digital content for quality and accuracy and test all website links weekly

Ministry Leader: Ben Conners

Job Description: Operate the church media/projection system for Sunday worship services and special events

Ministry Leader: Ben Conners

Job Description: Operate the church sound system for Sunday worship services and special events

Ministry Leader: Ben Conners

Job Description: Set up for Sunday morning Coffee Fellowship, prepare the coffee, arrange the refreshments

Ministry Leader: Suzanne Mace

Job Description: Provide a meal when requested occasionally by church family members who are temporarily ill, recovering from surgery, etc. and unable to prepare their own food

Ministry Leader: Sandra Conners

Job Description: Be available to attend monthly meetings to plan the hospitality mission and take on various responsibilities involved in creating a welcoming church environment that provides opportunities for fellowship, deepening relationships and spiritual grown.

Ministry Leader: Suzanne Mace

Job Description: Provide childcare for infants and toddlers during leaders’ meetings that are held on the 2nd Friday of each month at the church, 6-8 p.m.

Ministry Leader: Liz Conners

Job Description: Provide childcare for infants and toddlers during members meetings, usually a few times a year

Ministry Leader: Liz Conners

Job Description: Teach the Children's Church Program once a month. Lesson Provided.

Ministry Leader: Patti Kirby

Job Description: Volunteers needed to help sort clothes and other donated items, second Saturday of each month, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at the United Family Center, 460 High Street.

Ministry Leader: Terri Stutz